2020年波兰消费电子、家电及通讯展览会(Electronics Show 2020)
【展馆名称】华沙国际会展中心( PTAK WARSAW EXPO)
一、展会简介:Poland Electronics show是波兰的消费电子展。至今已经成功举行19届, 在三天波兰华沙会展中心Electronics展吸引了36,654名专业买家和约321名记者,13场比赛和113讲座。在近24300平方米的地方展示了527家参展商,其中国际**品牌有150家,上届**展商有:三星,华为,LG,索尼,特拉斯,飞利浦,夏普,惠普,华硕,Poland Electronics 经过19年的发展,已经成为中欧及东欧代表性的电子行业展会,展会以产品展出和会议双重形式,集中了优秀产品和新技术的发布展示洽谈合作平台。
Consumer Electronics and New Technology Trade Show
The International Consumer Electronics Trade Fair offers not only static exhibitions, but also effective and dynamic presentations, enriched with industry conferences and workshops. This is the first event in Poland that presents in such a comprehensive and innovative way the latest technologies, solutions of the world’s leading manufacturers of consumer electronics and related services.
Electronics Show is a great place for enthusiasts of electronics, new technologies and innovations. Hundreds of premiers, solutions to debut on the market, virtual and augmented reality and the ability to test the latest equipment – these and many other attractions can be seen on May 10-12, 2019 in Ptak Warsaw Expo! Organized for the second time, the fair attracts the most important producers from around the world and is also an ideal place for business meetings. Collect your free invitation now.